Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Encouraging Good Table Manners

With holiday meals soon to be in full swing, our younger diners may benefit from these simple tips for minding their manners when dining with others.

• If the meal is not buffet style, wait until everyone has been seated and has their food before beginning to eat.

• Place your napkin in your lap before beginning to eat and use it to dab your mouth, when necessary.

• If you have to blow your nose or pick your teeth, excuse yourself to go to another room or restroom.

• Always say “excuse me” should you burp.

• If you don’t think you like something that is being served, try a bit and then move on to the rest of the food on your plate.

• Always eat with utensils unless the food is meant to be eaten with fingers.

• Do not put your elbows on the table. (This rule is okay to break if you’re not actually eating.)

• Chew with your mouth closed and do not talk with your mouth full.

• Always say “thank you” when you are served.

• Politely ask that items out of reach be passed to you. Do not reach over other people’s plates.

• Eat slowly.

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