Friday, September 13, 2013

Students Change Hunger Food Drive!

What is Students Change Hunger?
  • The Federation of New Jersey Food Banks is challenging all students, staff, teachers and parents to think of those less fortunate this upcoming school year by organizing a food drive at their school, from mid-September through mid-November. 
  • New Jersey schools will compete with each other to collect as much food as possible for their local food bank. 
  • At the end of the challenge, schools that bring the most food will be presented with awards by their local food bank. 

Our Mission

In 2011 our school was awarded first place in our school size division. We need your help to reclaim our title and donate more than we did in 2011! 

How You Can Help!
  • Send in items with your child from the list below to be donated to the food drive.
    • Canned Fish/Canned Meats
    • Boxed Meals
    • Pasta
    • Pasta Sauce (no glass please)
    • Rice
    • Canned Soup
    • Canned Gravy
    • Mac & Cheese
    • Jelly (no glass please)
    • Canned Vegetables
    • Canned Fruit
    • Granola Snacks
    • Cereal
    • Shelf Stable (non-refrigerated) Juice
  • Donations will be collected from September 16th - November 22nd!
  • Each classroom will have a donation box for food.
  • The classroom that collects the most food will enjoy a lunch party! 
  • Monetary donations are also accepted.
    • For every $1 raised our school will be credited a pound of food.

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