Friday, July 1, 2011

Welcome Travelers

Our Time Travel Summer Camp began this week. All of our campers spent time getting used to their new classrooms and making up classroom maps to find their way around. We had our first water days on Tuesday and Wednesday, and the children in the main building enjoyed taking turns on an awesome water slide. All of our classrooms spent time cooling off in the sprinklers. Many classes took time on Wednesday to go on a nature walk and our school age campers discovered that you don’t need a campfire to make s’mores! Their “fire free” s’mores were made with oatmeal cookies, marshmallows, chocolate syrup and sprinkles. Storyteller Ken Kaplan visited our school on Thursday. He brought his guitar to sing songs and tell stories about world travel and discoveries. We clapped our hands, danced around and sang songs in different languages! Our half day on Friday was filled with Amazing Athlete fun.

Happy Independence Day...enjoy your weekend!

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